We're proud to announce the newest figure in the "S.H. MonsterArts" series, which is renowned for incorporating both accurate sculpting and posability. A monster that changed the face of moviemaking in Hollywood: the "original" Alien, also known as "Big Chap!"
2014 marks the 35th anniversary of the film, and in recognition of the overwhelming support the Big Chap still enjoys among fans, Bandai is harnessing its decades of design, sculping, and style sense to produce a cutting-edge action figure of this classic sci-fi creature. This is your chance to own a historic Alien product!
Released in 1979, director Ridley Scott's film opens with a transport ship returning to Earth. Along the way, its crew intercepts a distress signal from what is believed to be an alien civilization. The crew descends to the planet to investigate, finding only a fossilized alien corpse and a clutch of mysterious eggs.
When a vicious parasite launches from one of the eggs, the crew begin succumbing one after the other.
The introduction of an unknown organism into the closed confines of a spaceship represented a groundbreaking fusion of science fiction and horror elements that was accentuated by the stunning realism with which the spacecraft and alien creatures were portrayed. The film is recognized as a masterpiece both for spawning the sci-fi horror genre and for the influence of its signature creature design. In addition to the sequels "Aliens," "Alien 3," and "Alien Ressurection," Alien inspired the "Alien vs. Predator" series and, most recently, director Ridley Scott's prequel "Prometheus."
The protagonist of Alien is warrant officer Ellen Ripley, portrayed by actress Sigourney Weaver, but the mysterious creature known simply as the Alien could be called her co-star. Also known as the "Big Chap," it grows in stages. Its first stage, the Facehugger, hatches from eggs. This parasitic form implants an embryo in a human human host that explodes forth as its second stage, the Chestburster. The Chestburster grows into the third and final adult form that is variously known as the Big Chap, Big Head, and Big Jaw, all of which refer to its external appearance.
The Alien's design is credited to the Swiss artist H.R. Geiger. His trademark fusions of mechanical and biological elements infuse the design, giving it a distinctive appearance unlike anything that had been seen before it. In order to accentuate the sheer size of the creature, a 2m 10cm (7ft 2 in) tall man by the name of Bolaji Badejo was hired to wear the suit, which Geiger himself helped fabricate to the actor's proportions. The result was one of the most recognizable creatures ever to stalk the silver screen.
「S.H.MonsterArts エイリアン ビッグチャップ」は、劇中におけるビッグチャップのイメージの再現性を重視したアクションフィギュアとして開発されている。
可動に関しても、映画撮影時の「人が入って演じている」という部分にこだわり、商品シリーズ第1弾のエイリアン ウォーリア(劇中では3DCGで描かれている)とは異なる可動設計となっている。
The S.H.MonsterArts Big Chap action figure was developed from the ground up to replicate poses from the Alien film. The overall style dictated by the long arms and legs of the actor inside the suit, and the finely detailed sculpting of the suit itself as designed by Geiger, are replicated in the product in exquisite detail. And it goes without saying that the Big Chap's distinctive translucent head carapace is rendered with a separately-molded semi-translucent part, allowing the precision-sculpted skull beneath to show through (as a side note, a real skull is said to have been used for the movie costume).
Posing was designed around the concept of a suit actor portraying the monster on-screen. For this reason, it was designed with a completely different joint system than that of the previously-sold Alien Warrior, which was rendered on-screen with 3D computer graphics.
This faithful attention to design allows the figure to feel like a suit being worn by an actor when displayed. In other words, an Alien figure that looks exactly like the Alien on-screen, that can be posed exactly like the Alien on-screen.
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In order to make the figure achieve poses just as seen in the film, we utilized different joints than those for the previously released "Alien Warrior" figure. The neck attachment incorporates a triple-joint, allowing the head to be posed with its distinctive forward tilt. The bottom rear of the head can also be moved in conjunction with head posing. The figure was specially designed so that its components do not interfere with one another during poses. The legs and stomach feature multi-joint construction, allowing you to replicate the Alien's distinctive crunched or squatting poses.
Each joint was custom designed to fit into the figure in such a way that it does not break the overall silhouette of the figure during poses. And the load-bearing thigh joints are molded in die-cast metal for additional stability and strength during poses. Posable toes allow the feet to make fuller contact with the ground, allowing the figure to balance even when replicating delicately coiled poses from the film.
The set also includes a display stand and support rod, allowing you to display the figure even in poses that it couldn't support on its own.
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The Big Chap's distinctive offensive weapons are its snarling inner mouth and spiky tail. The S.H.MonsterArts Big Chap pays special attention to these two portions of the figure as well.
The jaw opens just as seen on screen to reveal an extendable inner mouth that is rendered with exquisite detail.
The bone-like tail is built from 18 individually jointed segments for enhanced detail. It can be posed in smooth curves to enhance poses. And its all-important offensive tip is rendered in diecast metal for a realistically sharp and ferocious appearance.
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